Un álbum para descubrir las aventuras fantásticas del astuto Ulises
contra monstruos y dioses de la mitología griega.
Ulises, el rey de la isla de Ítaca, sale de Troya para volver a casa,
pero los dioses no van a ponérselo nada fácil...
Antes de reunirse con su familia, a Ulises le espera un viaje
emocionante y lleno de peligros, aventuras, monstruos y magia.
A lovely picture book to discover Odysseus' fantastic adventures as he
faces storm and shipwreck, a terrifying man-eating Cyclops, the alluring
but deadly Sirens, and the fury of the sea-god Poseidon as he makes his
ten-year journey home from the Trojan War. While Odysseus struggles to
make it home, his wife, Penelope, fights a different kind of battle as
her palace is invaded by forceful, greedy men who tell her that Odysseus
is dead and she must choose a new husband. Will Odysseus reach her in