Against Translation is a text by American poet Kenneth Goldsmith (born
1961) published in eight volumes--English, French, Spanish, German,
Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic. The author discusses the impasses
and shortcomings of translation and the virtures of an unapologetic
linguistic "displacement." "Translation is the ultimate humanist
gesture," he states. "Polite and reasonable, it is an overly cautious
bridge builder ... in the end, it always fails, for the discourse it
sets forth is inevitably off-register." Displacement, by contrast, never
explains itself. Goldsmith cites the example of Mexican-American poet
Mónica de la Torre, who, in the middle of a presentation at a 2010
poetics conference at Columbia, "broke out, full on, for ten minutes
entirely in Spanish, leaving all those who pay lip service to
multilingualism and diversity angry because they couldn't understand
what she was saying. De la Torre thereafter resumed her talk in English,
never mentioning her intervention ... Comprehension is optional;
displacement is concretely demonstrative."