This publication gives the opmlOns and discussions of an international
Symposium on the judicial settlement of international disputes as well
as three expert reports which were submitted for the Symposium's
preparation. The Symposium sought to answer the following three
questions: (1) Does the International Court of Justice, as it is
presently shaped, cor- respond to the requirements which follow from its
functions as the central judicial body of the international community?
(2) To which extent and for which subject matters is it advisable to
create and develop special judicial bodies with a jurisdiction limited
to certain regions or to certain subject matters? (3) To which extent
and for which questions is it advisable to provide for the settlement of
international legal disputes by other organs than permanent courts? The
Symposium took place from July 10-12, 1972 in the Max-Planck- Institut
fiir ausHindisches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht in Heidelberg.
Experts in international law and international jurisdiction from many
countries were invited, not in their official capacity, but rather on
the basis of their individual competence; the list of participants
appears at the end of this volume.