- Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books of 2015, Memoir
Steve Hayner was serving as president of Columbia Seminary and was
healthy and fit when he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer. He
and his wife Sharol embarked on a journey together with their children
that soon included tens of thousands of visits from friends and
acquaintances via the CaringBridge website. The overwhelming response to
their posts on this website attested to the surprising and engaging way
that they chose to live in the face of death. As a result they uncovered
the remarkable truth that God, our good Shepherd, provides a feast for
us when we are in the valley of the shadow of death as well as in the
green pastures. Steve was always known for signing letters and emails,
joyfully. These pages, including reflections from some of those closest
to Steve and Sharol, offer us a hope-filled glimpse into what it means
to walk with God in honesty, with joy, even through great pain.