"Captivating and heartwarming...Animal lovers will howl with joy."
--Red Tricycle
This beautiful picture book follows the journey of a young gray wolf who
garnered nationwide attention when he became the first wild wolf in
California in almost a century.
Using facts recorded by Fish & Wildlife scientists, author Emma Bland
Smith imagines the wolf's experiences in close detail as he makes an
epic 2,000-mile trek over three years time. The wolf's story is
interwoven with the perspective of a young girl who follows his trek
through the media. As she learns more about wolves and their
relationships with humans, she becomes determined to find a way to keep
him safe by making him a wolf that is too famous to harm.
A young girl follows the wolf's journey and, along the way, learns about
issues around the re-introduction of wolves. It's an opportunity to
engage young readers beyond the story.
--Herald Net