Essentially the following commentary on the contents of the
Nägara-Kertägama has been made up from notes by former editors of the
text together with remarks, criticisms and digressions by the present
author. As Kern, Krom and their contemporaries were especially
interested in dynastie history and archeology their notes on those
subjects are legion, and as a result of their studies on many points a
communis opinio has been reached. The argumentations which led up to
this end are not reproduced in the present edition. The interested
reader is referred to Krom's great books: Oud-Javaansche Kunst and
Hindoe-Javaansche Geschiedenis. It is to be expected that before long
the results of Krom's life-work will be made accessible for English
readers by De Casparis. On the other hand cultural history, religion,
economics and sociology have been rather neglected by the first editors
of the Nägara-Kertä- gama. The present author has done his best to
remedy that omission. The reader will find that the greater part of the
following commen- taries is concerned with those subjects. The
contemporaneous minor texts and the charters that are published,
translated and annotated in the present book in the same manner as the
Nägara-Kertägama have been chosen almost exc1usively for the valuable
information on social, economic and religious conditions in the 14th
century Majapahit realm that is afforded by them.