In the seventh book in the Jasmine Toguchi series, Debbi Michiko
Florence and illustrator Elizabet Vukovic takes us on a
family adventure in Kabo, Japan full of warmth, laughter, and summer
Japan is awesome but Jasmine is beginning to miss home and her best
friend, Linnie. She's hoping her next adventure to a village called
Kabo, where her grandmother grew up, is just what she needs to get out
of this rut. Jasmine is pleased to find out there's a beach, tangerine
grove, and even a local festival to attend.
She is hoping to explore with her big sister, Sophie. But, walnuts!
Sophie is no fun. All she wants to do is read her Japanese manga and
stay inside. If Jasmine's best friend Linnie was there, she'd definitely
play with her, so why won't Sophie?
Regardless, Jasmine is determined to make the most of her time in Japan,
only getting into a little trouble along the way.