Marta doesn't want Noah in her story. She wants her friend Shamika. Ms
Fable says they have to take it in turns, but Marta doesn't think that's
fair. When Noah becomes upset because of how Marta is behaving, she
begins to realise that playing with other children can open up a whole
load of fun she had never imagined possible...
This beautifully illustrated story book explores a common situation that
arises for children and teachers taking part in Helicopter Stories and
allows the children to explore their feelings in a sensitive and
supportive environment. The story is accompanied by teacher's notes on
how to use the book with young children along with questions and
discussion prompts that can be incorporated into the curriculum.
In a class where Helicopter Stories take place regularly, It's Not
Fair explores friendship and fairness and the value of taking turns. It
is part of the Helicopter Stories Tale series, a valuable and visually
captivating resource for all Early Years educators using storytelling
and story acting with their children.