I found contradiction in life, caused by socio-religious attitudes.
There was a wide gap between beliefs in society and what modern science
had to say. The dilemma was which side to believe and what to reject.
This is a common problem in a changing society, from traditional to
modern. It becomes a serious problem when beliefs and faith were at
stake. The perspective which I have found useful for myself may also
prove handy to many in a similar situation and help bridge the gap I
have by the Grace of the Almighty put this perspective in a book format.
Here history of the creation, duration and dissolution of this Universe
is covered. It also defines Manwantara the unit of measurement of Time
or Kala. Dhruva or Pole Star its creation, position, and the precession
of the Earth's axis. Devas or Gods and duration of their life. Vishnu
the all powerful, which keeps this Solar System in motion.