In wondrous, singing translation by Mike Soto, these spare, striking
poems by Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez explore the infinite solitude of the
The poems of Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez reflect a world precariously dependent
on the word, but also transfixed by the word. They express a
metaphysical shift where the laws of heaven and earth are suspended,
transformed into a terrain of the journey inward, reflecting a cosmos of
the self. The simplicity of these poems never fail to resonate,
reflecting a profound investigation of the world on an elemental level.
Ruiz-Pérez's poetry very often reads like the discovery of a formula, an
algebra of poetic inquiry that draws together references to Edgar Allen
Poe, William Blake, and Alejandra Pizarnik. Deftly translated by poet
Mike Soto, these poems express a singular vision of the abundance of the
world as well as the void, but in these poems even the void is begged to