Introduction By the time you read this, the number applications on the
App Store will have crossed the 100,000 mark. Chances are that if you
come up with an idea for an app, it's already on the Store and in
abundance. In order to catch users' interest, you'll have to
differentiate yours. Most developers seem to take the easy route by
simply lowering their price. The problem is that it's so easy to do that
everybody can do it. And if they do, you've gained nothing. On the
contrary, you've lost an income that could possibly motivate you to keep
improving and updating your app and thereby sustain your name as a
reliable developer users can trust their investment to. If you choose to
take the difficult route, however, and differentiate on quality--the
route that not everybody can take--you'll not only become a better
developer but also earn the respect from other developers and users
who'll be willing to spend real time and money on your app. The ten
authors of this book have all released successful apps and can testify
to how going that extra mile, or ten, has paid off in many aspects of
their lives as iPhone developers. By reading their takes on how to make
an app stand out from the rest, you'll gain some of the inspiration and
insight that could make your app the one in its category that users will