In full colour and straightforward, jargon-free language, iPhone for
Seniors in easy steps, 2nd edition gives you all the information you
need to get up and running with your new iPhone and quickly feel you are
in control of it.
Learn how to: Make and receive phone calls; Text with the Messages app;
Make video calls with FaceTime; Set up and use email accounts; Use
Settings to customize your iPhone exactly to your style and requirement.
iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 2nd edition is updated to cover
iOS 9 and its array of new features. It gives a comprehensive
introduction to using the preinstalled apps and then shows how to find
and download apps from the Apple App Store for: going on vacation;
online shopping; social networking; hobbies; music and videos; books;
photos and more.
Apple's online storage, sharing and backup service, iCloud, is explained
and the book shows how it can automatically store your data and share
your photos so you don't have to worry about losing information should
anything happen to your iPhone.
iPhone for Seniors in easy steps, 2nd edition takes the mystery out
of using your iPhone and shows how it can become your most useful
digital companion.