Both economists and popular writers have once more run away with some
fragments of reality they happened to grasp. Joseph A. Schumpeter,
Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, 1942. 1. Rational Behaviour and
Economics Never in the history of mankind has there been such unlimited
belief intheabilitiesofthehumanmindasintheAgeofReasoninthe?rsthalf of
the eighteenth century. The likes of Mozart, Goethe, and Rousseau
ensured a new era of optimism and creativity in both the arts and the
sciences. In mathematics, the theory of probability was re?ned and its
laws were believed to be good descriptions of human reasoning and 1
decision making. The French Revolution was the logical conclusion of
theAgeofReasonandEnlightenment. Italsobroughtaboutitspolitical and
social downfall, ending in an age of terror; a victim of its own
success. In the early nineteenth century, however, most ?elds of science
abandoned many ideas from the era of Enlightenment. Nevertheless, in
psychology and economics the probabilistic approach to describing a
human being as a fully rational homo economicus remained popular as
ever. 1 In Rousseau (1762, p. 97), for example, one ?nds: "Calculateurs,
c'est maintenant votre a?aire; comptez, mesurez, comparez". 1 2
economics still uses the axiom of rational e- nomic agents, where agents
are believed to maximise expected utility. Expectations are often
assumed to be based on objective probabilities. Expected utility with
objective probabilities has been axiomatised by Von Neumann and
Morgenstern (1944).