This comprehensive introduction to synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a
practical guide to the analysis, simulation, and design of SAR systems.
The video eBook uses constructive examples and real-world collected
datasets to demonstrate image registration and autofocus methods. Both
two- and three-dimensional image formation algorithms are presented.
Hardware, software, and environmental parameters are used to estimate
performance limits for SAR operation and utilization. A set of Python
and MATLAB software tools is included and provides you with an effective
mechanism to analyze and predict SAR performance for various imaging
scenarios and applications. Examples which use the software tools are
provided at the end of each chapter to reinforce critical SAR imaging
topics such as clutter-to-noise ratio, mapping rate, spatial resolution,
Doppler bandwidth, pulse repetition frequency, and coherency. This is an
excellent resource for engineering professionals working in areas of
radar signal processing and imaging as well as students interested in
studying SAR.