This book has evolved from our combined experience of working in
computing services at the University of London (for the last nine years
at King's College, and before that eight years at Imperial College and
seven at Chelsea College) in the teaching, advice and technical support
of Fortran and related areas. Thanks are due to: - - the staff and
students at King's College London - without them none of this would have
been possible; also the support and facilities provided by the Computer
Centre; - the patience of our families during the lengthy period
required to develop the courses upon which this book is based and whilst
preparing the camera ready copy; - the staff at NAG, Salford Fortran and
DEC for their support. Special thanks to Steve Lionel at DEC and Tim
Bartle at Salford for the opportunity to take part in the beta testing
of the Alpha compiler and the Salford Nag compiler respectively. The
lessons to be learnt from moving programs between the three compilers
were invaluable; - the people on comp. lang. fortran and the specialist
Fortran 90 list.