In the mid-eighties Mehra and Prescott showed that the risk premium
earned by American stocks cannot reasonably be explained by conventional
capital market models. Using time additive utility, the observed risk
pre- mium can only be explained by unrealistically high risk aversion
parameters. This phenomenon is well known as the equity premium puzzle.
Shortly aft- erwards it was also observed that the risk-free rate is too
low relative to the observed risk premium. This essay is the first one
to analyze these puzzles in the German capital market. It starts with a
thorough discussion of the available theoretical mod- els and then goes
on to perform various empirical studies on the German capital market.
After discussing natural properties of the pricing kernel by which
future cash flows are translated into securities prices, various multi-
period equilibrium models are investigated for their implied pricing
kernels. The starting point is a representative investor who optimizes
his invest- ment and consumption policy over time. One important
implication of time additive utility is the identity of relative risk
aversion and the inverse in- tertemporal elasticity of substitution.
Since this identity is at odds with reality, the essay goes on to
discuss recursive preferences which violate the expected utility
principle but allow to separate relative risk aversion and intertemporal
elasticity of substitution.