How do we know if mental health services work? What are the best ways to
measure the outcomes of care for people with mental health problems?
This book contains five practical scales for assessing the outcomes of
mental healthcare. They are the European versions of: Camberwell
Assessment of Need (for unmet and met needs) Client Socio-demographic
and Service Receipt Inventory (for service costs) Involvement Evaluation
Questionnaire (for impact of care on family members) Lancashire Quality
of Life Profile (for quality of life) Verona Service Satisfaction Scale
(for service satisfaction). Each scale has been standardised (in Danish,
Dutch, English, Italian and Spanish), and has been shown to be reliable
and valid in all these European languages. The book contains full
details of the development of these scales, manuals for their use, the
scales themselves and instructions on how to use the results. These new
measures will be invaluable to all those in research, evaluation, audit
and management who have an interest in evidence-based policy and
practice in mental healthcare.