Darkness lies within...
When twenty-two-year-old Gillian Thompson returns from university for
the summer, it is apparent there is tension at home. An irritant to her
father and a concern to her mother, Gillian's home life is less than
ideal. Geraldine, Gillian's mother, has suffered abuse from Joe for
years. However, it is not until Joe dies that the family dynamic shifts
and Gillian starts out on her own dark journey... When Gillian meets
Paul and Daniel she starts to become the person she always knew she was.
And as people around her start dying Gillian faces scrutiny from her
mother. But are the deaths accidents or is something more sinister at
Charlotte Barnes's Intention is set to be one of 2019's stand-out
debuts. A dark and compelling psychological thriller, it will appeal to
fans of authors like; Lisa Jewell, S.E. Lynes, Theresa Driscoll.