Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2020 im Fachbereich Jura -
Medienrecht, Multimediarecht, Urheberrecht, Manipal University, Sprache:
Deutsch, Abstract: This work is an attempt to analyse the concept of
intellectual property and to check its authencity as a 'property' on the
basis of proprietary jurisprudence. It also tries to trace the roots of
intellectual property rights in Indian legal and social system and to
look for the need and justifications of intellectual property rights.
Finally, it shall make an effort to derive something innovative. In the
beginning, meaning, definition, subject matter, characteristics, kinds
etcetera of property are discussed and the present status of concept of
property is presented. The text introduces the concept of intellectual
property and intellectual property rights and a detailed discussion on
the history and development of intellectual property rights, in
international arena as well as in India, is given. That followed, it
measures the authenticity of the concept of intellectual property rights
on the basis of proprietary jurisprudence, elaborates upon the different
principles and checks the applicability of such over the concept of
intellectual property rights. The concept of intellectual property
rights is compared with the basic Indian thoughts. Basic ideas of
different Indian philosophies, namely, the Sanatan dharma, the Islamic
thoughts, the Sikh, Jain and Buddha philosophies, are given; and the
concept of intellectual property rights from ancient to modern India are
traced. Furthermore, the work investigates the need and justification of
intellectual property rights through various theories and thoughts.