An analysis of the optical revolution in the context of early 19th
century Britain. Far from merely involving the replacement of one
optical theory by another, the revolution also involved substantial
changes in instruments and the practices that surrounded them. People's
judgements about classification, explanation and evaluation were
affected by the way they used such optical instruments as spectroscopes,
telescopes, polarisers, photometers, gratings, prisms and apertures.
There were two instrumental traditions in this historical period, each
of which nurtured a body of practice that exemplified how optical
instruments should be operated, and especially how the eye should be
used. These traditions functioned just like paradigms, shaping
perspectives and even world views.
Readership: Scholars and graduate students in the history of science,
history of instrument, philosophy of science and science studies. Can
also be used as a textbook in graduate courses on 19th century physics