Inside One Author's Heart offers a rare glimpse behind the image of
a bestselling writer.
Instead of her sweeping tales of the Old South, Ms. Price focuses on
herself, her readers, and the special way in which they nourish each
other. He tells it straight--with "warts and flaws" and, at all times,
an endearing sense of humor about herself and her work.
Here Ms. Price reveals how she creates her haunting novels, and how she
brings her characters to life on paper. Here are the heartfelt dialogues
between Ms. Price and her readers. Here is the real Eugenia Price,
eternally optimistic, yet strangely intimidated by her own success.
The story ranges from Ms. Price's early years as a writer living in
Chicago, to how she fled in the 1960's for privacy to the sanctuary of
St. Simons Island. And this is the most riveting part of her narrative.
This deeply private and spiritual woman not only absorbed her new
surroundings, she also created a mystique about the island and its