In an effort to promote agro-enterprises and agro-industries as viable
forms of inclusive development, the Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations (FAO) and The Cornell International Institute for
Food, Agriculture and Development (CIIFAD) in collaboration with the
International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), organized
an international symposium on the topic "Innovative Institutions, Public
Policies, and Private Strategies for Inclusive Agro-Enterprise
Development", as part of the Triennial Meetings of the IAAE held in Foz
do lguaçu, Brazil, in August 2012.This book contains the major papers
presented at the symposium, which feature a wide range of country and
regional experiences and examine the influence of markets and technology
transfer to agro-enterprises on food security, poverty, and economic
growth. The contributions also identify alternative market access
strategies for sustainable economic development. This volume will enrich
existing knowledge of agro-enterprises as a channel for promoting
inclusive growth and reducing poverty levels across developing and
emerging markets.