In 1999, the German federal ministry of education and research (BMBF)
decided to include two new priorities in its environmental research
policy portfolio. One was concerning socio-ecological research aiming at
a better understandingofthe socialdimensionofthe
sustainabilitytriadandthe other onewasoninnovationorientedresearchaiming
atabetter understandinghow companies and public authorities can in?uence
innovation activities towards the sustainability objectives. The latter
priority led to two new programme lines, one targeting at the company
level and the other one targeting at the
towards sustainable development"(RIW). The projects funded under the RIW
programme were analysing the - tential innovation impact of
environmental policy measures on the one hand and the sustainability
impact of other policies, such as innovation policy, on the other hand.
The design of the RIW programme included in addition an international
outreach dimension with the organisation of international c- ferences as
well as the establishment of collaboration platforms among the funded
projects in order to allow for more general conclusions. The RIW
programme followed the BMBF tradition to foster multi- or
interdisciplinary cooperation, notablyinvolvingacademicsfromeconomics,
policysciences, and law.