In 1928, it was discovered that copper was essential for normal human
metabolism. A decade later, in 1938, it was observed that patients with
rheu- matoid arthritis exhibited a higher than normal serum copper
concentration that returned to normal with remission of this disease.
Thirteen years later, it was found that copper complexes were effective
in treating arthritic dis- eases. The first report that copper complexes
had antiinflammatory activity in an animal model of inflammation
appeared twenty-two years after the dis- covery of essentiality. In
1976, it was suggested that the active forms of the antiarthritic drugs
are their copper complexes formed in vivo. This sugges- tion has been
confirmed and extended in the interim in over 200 recent publications.
Individual biomedical scientists from many countries who have published
in these areas recently saw a need for a meeting to exchange current re-
supporting new hypotheses. We search results and discuss the evidence
met on the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences campus in Little
Rock, Arkansas, August 10-13, 1981. Participants came from Australia,
England, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, Wales, Zimbabwe, and over twenty
of the United States.