Despite the major developments in the therapeutic armamentarium for the
treatment of infection, the morbidity and mortality of this complication
remains very high in patients with compromised defences. Cancer and its
treatment represents a major predisposing condition to a variety of
infections. These adverse events are still with us, in spite of much
progress in the therapy of infectious disease, since cancer therapy is
becoming more aggressive, yet further lowering the host's capacity to
cope with infections. Moreover, the pathogens adapt effectively to
drugs, and at a pace that might outrun industry's capability to produce
new agents. Finally, new pathogens are appearing as a consequence of
both selection and severe immunosuppression.
Infection is so common among cancer patients that its diagnosis and
management represent a daily challenge to all oncologists, who must
continually strive to keep abreast of developments in the area. The
present comprehensive review of the most crucial and challenging aspects
of the infectious complications in cancer patients will help them to do
just that.