The volume on Industrial Crop Breeding will be part of the series,
Handbook of Plant Breeding. This volume will focus on the emerging area
of plant breeding for sustainable production of transportation fuels and
bio based products using the current advances in the field. The book is
scheduled to consist of a total number of 30 chapters divided into four
sections. The sections will emphasize crops being considered for
different challenge areas including oil crops for biodiesel; sugar,
starch and cellulosic crops for biofuel; crops for bio products and
issues and future prospects. A chapter introducing the first three
sections will also be included. Outstanding scientists for each crop
species are proposed as senior authors, who may invite co-authors to
contribute part of a chapter to provide additional expertise or
perspective. The proposed authors will represent various national and
international institutions to get a more diverse view on the topic and
somehow get a global view on the common issues that researchers on
industrial crops are facing. The book will comprise primarily of
specific issues, available germplasm, breeding techniques, and potential
geographical areas of production pertaining to individual crops being
considered for industrial uses. We hope to encourage the proposed
authors of new crops to provide an estimate of the crop readiness for
commercial development and discuss the limitations. This book will be
will be of interest and envisioned to serve as an updated reference to
researchers in both academic and industrial setting, to students and
teachers of plant breeding and to policy makers who are looking for
alternative solutions to dependency on imported petroleum products.