WHIRLWINDS OF FEARS & WONDERS He does little oozing charms for Marie, a
nurse, and his neighbor. What else does, Graham Nelson ex-Scotland Yard
investigation reveal? Could romantic excesses lead to deportation? A
man, whose heart is swayed only by the gusts of the winds of women's
beauty, will soon encounter the ghosts of his wandering ways. In Dr.
Al's case, the engineer is romantically involved with two women. Isn't
one jealous woman enough trouble especially if she seeks revenge or
carelessly expresses her distress in the wrong ears? Al, the suave
lover, stared abyss in the face, beaten, bruised, and battered. This
debonair and intelligent engineer lay idle in hospital, reeling in pain
but does he get soothed yet by kindness? What can Cynthia do to save
him? Can the price be met? Is this the end? Where the winds whirl, there
is a lot to fear and wonder!