Leukocyte culture conferences have a long pedigree. This volume records
some of the scientific highlights of the 16th such annual con- ference,
and is a witness to the continuing evolution and popularity of leukocyte
culture and of immunology. There is strong evidence of the widening
horizons of immunology, both technically, with the obviously major
impact of molecular biology into our understanding of cellular
processes, and also conceptually. Traditionally, the 'proceedings' of
these conferences have been published. But have the books produced
really recorded the major part of the conference, the informal,
friendly, but intense and some- times heated exchanges that take place
between workers in tackling very similar problems and systems and which
are at the heart of every successful conference? Unfortunately this
essence cannot be incorpo- rated by soliciting manuscripts. For this
reason, we have changed the format of publication, retaining published
versions of the symposium papers, but requesting the workshop chairmen
to produce a summary of the major new observations and areas of
controversy highlighted in their sessions, as a vehicle for defining
current areas of interest and debate. Not an easy task, as the workshop
topics were culled from the abstracts submitted by the participants,
rather than being on predefined topics. The unseasonal warmth in
Cambridge was reflected in the atmos- phere of the conference, the
organization of which benefited from the administrative skills of Jean
Bacon, Philippa Wells, Mr. Peter Irving, and Mrs.