As a new interdisciplinary research area, "image-based geometric
modeling and mesh generation" integrates image processing, geometric
modeling and mesh generation with finite element method (FEM) to solve
problems in computational biomedicine, materials sciences and
engineering. It is well known that FEM is currently well-developed and
efficient, but mesh generation for complex geometries (e.g., the human
body) still takes about 80% of the total analysis time and is the major
obstacle to reduce the total computation time. It is mainly because none
of the traditional approaches is sufficient to effectively construct
finite element meshes for arbitrarily complicated domains, and generally
a great deal of manual interaction is involved in mesh generation.
This contributed volume, the first for such an interdisciplinary topic,
collects the latest research by experts in this area. These papers cover
a broad range of topics, including medical imaging, image alignment and
segmentation, image-to-mesh conversion, quality improvement, mesh
warping, heterogeneous materials, biomodelcular modeling and simulation,
as well as medical and engineering applications.
This contributed volume, the first for such an interdisciplinary topic,
collects the latest research by experts in this area. These papers cover
a broad range of topics, including medical imaging, image alignment and
segmentation, image-to-mesh conversion, quality improvement, mesh
warping, heterogeneous materials, biomodelcular modeling and simulation,
as well as medical and engineering applications.
This contributed volume, the first for such an interdisciplinary topic,
collects the latest research by experts in this area. These papers cover
a broad range of topics, including medical imaging, image alignment and
segmentation, image-to-mesh conversion, quality improvement, mesh
warping, heterogeneous materials, biomodelcular modeling and simulation,
as well as medical and engineering applications.
This contributed volume, the first for such an interdisciplinary topic,
collects the latest research by experts in this area. These papers cover
a broad range of topics, including medical imaging, image alignment and
segmentation, image-to-mesh conversion, quality improvement, mesh
warping, heterogeneous materials, biomodelcular modeling and simulation,
as well as medical and engineering applications.