You don't need the sun or soil to grow food.
Wouldn't it be great if you could plant and grow food in your house
year-round? No more needing to be out in the summer sun. No more needing
to find the right soil combination. No more needing to wait until spring
or autumn to begin planting. With hydroponics, you can grow food inside
your house without having any sun or any soil.
Hydroponics for Beginners has all the information you need to set up
your own inside garden, including the benefits of hydroponics, the
equipment required, and the best system to use. This book also includes
these features:
Step-by-step techniques for building your hydroponic system
Expert guidance on how to start your seeds and how to light your
Planting recommendations for the best kinds of foods to grow
Nutrient guides to help your plants burst and thrive
Troubleshooting tips to help maintain your hydroponic system
Hydroponics for Beginners will explain everything you need to know to
not only build a hydroponic system in your home but to also ensure
you're successful with whatever you grow. Also, if you're ever stuck on
the Moon or on Mars, if you can find a little water and happen to have
some nutrient-rich solutions, you can grow food and survive until
someone rescues you. Just make sure you also have a copy of Hydroponics
for Beginners with you!