This book provides a state-of-the-art overview of the development of
concepts and methodology of hydrological sys- tems analysis and its wide
range of practical applications. Hydrological systems analysis involves
the management, processing and interpretation of huge amounts of
geoscien- tific as well as ecological and historical data of many
different types and sources, which can only be handled coherently and
efficiently by using interactive geoscientific information systems.
Geoscientific information systems as well as flow simulators are
integral parts of the methodology. The methodology is clearly explained
in the book and ample figures il- lustrate the text. The emphasis of the
book is on the practical applicability of hydrological systems analysis
in integrated water re- source management, nature conservation and
environmental planning. The compilation of many case-studies, conducted
by TNO geohydrologists and others in recent years, included in the book
deals with different temporal and spatial scales and various
geohydrological settings in The Netherlands, Poland, the European Union
as well as in Indonesia. These case studies underpin the strength and
elegance of hydrological systems analysis.