The relationship between human rights and sovereignty must be
rethought.Normally, this (sovereignty) has been understood as its
manifestation or manifestations in state power. Therefore, from a
relationship of tension, given the need to subject state power to
parameters of strict legality in terms of human rights. The relationship
between human rights and the state is complex. The state is directly or
indirectly responsible, even if it is ultimately always responsible for
rights violations. In every act of human rights violation the state is
present by action or omission.The state must also promote, respect and
protect human rights.Given the complexity and ambiguity of the state in
relation to human rights, these have been interpreted as limits to state
sovereignty and power.We want to think about the problem differently.
Think about popular sovereignty in its relation to human rights. In this
light, popular sovereignty and human rights are respective. You can't
think of the former without the latter. These are material and formal
conditions of the citizenships that form a sovereign people.