Why did we choose to write this book? We're both extremely
busy--lecturing bachelor's degree and master's degree interactive design
students, maintaining our own practice wo- ing for clients, and
furthering our established careers as artists exhibiting
internationally--so the idea of a "how to" book for would-be web
designers wasn't arrived at lightly. That said, we felt the time was
right for this sort of book. There are a lot of excellent books that we
point our students toward: Dan Cederholm's inspiring Web Standards
Solutions; Paul Haine's meticulous HTML Mastery; and Andy Budd, Cameron
Moll, and Simon Collison's indispensable CSS Mastery, to name but a few.
All are fantastic books and we urge our s- dents to buy every one;
however, none of them seemed to cover everything our students needed to
embark on a well-grounded, web standards-based approach in one package:
namely, a solid foundation in well-structured XHTML coupled with a
comprehensive int- duction to CSS. Cue Web Standardistas.