Negotiation is such a familiar part of our everyday lives we often fail
to recognize it's even happening, let alone identify the power battles
and psychological warfare it entails. Daily life involves negotiation to
such an extent that we're largely unaware of it. Certainly few people
stop to think about it at all, let alone as an all but essential life
skill. In busy everyday lives, we seldom pause to reflect that
negotiating is, in fact, a complex and strategic mind game between two
competing, but mutually intertwined, goals. In How to Negotiate,
Christopher Copper-Ind lifts the lid on the inner workings of all types
of negotiations, from the mundane ("you pick the kids up from school and
I'll pick up the groceries") to high-powered business deals. By
understanding how the process works you'll be able to bring enviable
insight to your own negotiations going forward, giving you the
confidence to steer through life's choppy waters without losing your