The introduction of online Bitcoin trading platforms has enabled Bitcoin
to become mainstream in today's economy, making headline news with
soaring valuations, and proving that the underlying Blockchain protocol
can bring "trust to a trustless world" across a broad spectrum of
industries and business processes. How Bitcoin and Blockchain Are
Changing the World explains Bitcoin and other virtual currencies, the
advantages and disadvantages of virtual currencies, using virtual
currency for making transactions, why its value has dramatically
fluctuated, and why other virtual currencies will take Bitcoin's place
in the economic future. In addition, this book delves into the technical
side of the Blockchain technology, including a discussion of the
cryptographic technology protocol used for digital payments transmitted
over the Internet.
Through illustrations and case studies, Marti Tirinnanzi discusses how
and why different countries have adopted Bitcoin and other virtual
currencies. This insightful book also examines money laundering and
other legal and legislative issues attached to these virtual payments
and discusses actions taken by government agencies to either supervise
Bitcoin transactions, or use sovereign digital currencies to enhance
efficiencies within federal and state treasuries. The book will help
readers understand how Bitcoin and Blockchain are changing the approach
to doing business in everything from financial services, healthcare, to
the Internet of things (IoT).