With expert advice from the Houseplant Gardener, watch your home come
to life with flowers and foliage in a giftable box format
Nothing brings a room to life like the green of a thriving houseplant.
Interior designers love them, and they make us happier and healthier,
too. But anyone who's watched a houseplant wilt, turn brown, and lose
its leaves knows that good intentions and love aren't enough. You need
knowledge--and that's where the Houseplant Gardener comes in, as a
practically packaged set with 60 informative cards and a 32-page book.
Inside, author, journalist, podcaster, and now,
houseplant-gardener-in-a-box Jane Perrone answers hundreds of questions,
including: What sort of plants love a bathroom? How can you bring an
orchid back into flower? What needs regular watering, and what doesn't
mind if you forget? What can you put on a sunny windowsill, and what
will send foliage tumbling attractively from a shelf? Drawing on years
of experience and research, her cards provide sensible, practical, and
inspiring advice. The accompanying book will guide you through the
process of selecting plants, and Cody Bond's beautiful illustrations
will inspire you along the way.