Plant hormone research is the favorite topic of physiologists. Past
three decades have witnessed that this subject has received much
attention. The inquisitive nature of human mind has pumped much in
literature on this subject and this volume is the product of such minds.
In the following pages various hormonal-controlled physiological
processes like, flowering, seed dormancy and germination, enzyme
secretion, senes- cence, ion transport, fruit ripening, root growth and
development, thig- momorphogenesis and tendril thigmonasty have been
included. The volume also contains a review paper on 'Growth Regulating
Activity of Penicillin in Higher Plants' and has been presented for the
first time. The vast contents of each review paper have been written by
erudite scholars who have admirably carried out their evangelic task to
make the text up TO date. This volume, I am sure, would stimulate the
appetite of researchers of peripheral disciplines of botany and
agricultural sciences and they will continue to enjoy the fun and
adventures of plant hormone research. Save one. my most outstanding
debts are due to the rich array of the contributors and other plant
physiologists specially to Prof. Thomas Gaspar (Belgium), Prof. E. E.
Goldschmidt (Isreal), Prof. H. Greppin (Switzerland), Dr. K. Gurumurti
(India), Prof. M. A. Hall (U. K. ), Prof. H. Harada (Japan), Dr. M.
Kaminek (Czechoslovakia), Dr. J. L. Karm- oker (BangIa Desh), Prof.
Peter B. Kaufman (U. S. A. ), Dr. V. I. Kefeli . / (U. S. S. R. ), Dr.
M. Kutaoek (Czechoslovakia), Prof. S.