Excavations in advance of gravel quarrying in the Upper Thames Valley at
Horcott Quarry, Fairford, and nearby Arkell's Land, Kempsford, revealed
contrasting pictures. At Horcott, on the second terrace, there was
periodic activity from the early Mesolithic onwards. A major earlier
Iron Age settlement contained roundhouses and at least 135 four-post
structures, suggesting an exceptional focus on grain storage. An
early-middle Roman farmstead incorporated a small stone-founded
building, while from c AD 250-350 a large cemetery lay in an adjacent
enclosure. Two further groups of burials were contemporary with a
substantial Anglo-Saxon settlement including a timber hall and 33
sunken-featured buildings.
By contrast, at Arkell's Land, on the first gravel terrace, activity on
a significant scale only began in the later 1st century AD. It comprised
enclosures, field systems and trackways, with the most intensive
settlement, as at Horcott, in the middle Roman period. The site was
probably linked to an adjacent estate centre at Claydon Pike. There was
no post-Roman occupation.