Homer, the world-renowned Blind Wonder Cat, returns this holiday
season with an ins-purr-ational tale filled with holiday cheer!
Fifteen years earlier, doctors had warned that Homer--a tiny, sightless
kitten--was unlikely to survive and probably wouldn't have much of a
life even if he did. Miraculously and against all the odds, however,
Homer grew into a feline dynamo who scaled seven-foot bookcases with
ease, saved his human mom's life when he chased a late-night burglar
from their apartment, and rose to global fame--paving the way for other
special-needs animals once considered "unadoptable."
Now, only two weeks before Christmas, with doctors once again decreeing
that Homer didn't have much time--that he wouldn't even make it to
Christmas Eve--Homer showed everyone that he still had one more miracle
left in him. The heroic blind cat proved again, once and for all, that
hope and love aren't things you see with your eyes. You see them with
your heart.
Humorous and heartwarming, Homer and the Holiday Miracle will leave
you filled with the true spirit of the season. It's the ideal
stocking-stuffer for the cat lover on your list--and the perfect holiday
treat for yourself. Read and rejoice!