Deserts, whether hot or cold, are considered to be one of the most
difficult environments for living systems, lacking the essential free
water which ac- counts for approximately 60-70% of their body mass and
more than 98% of their constituent atoms {Macfarlane 1978}. Amongst
vertebrates, reptiles are usually thought of as the animals most adapted
or suited to such environments because of their diurnal habit, based on
a need for external heat, and their ability to survive far from obvious
sources of water. This impression is rein- forced when one examines the
composition of vertebrate faunae characteristic of deserts and arid
zones: reptiles predominate and they are often the only vertebrates to
be found in hyper-arid areas, such as some parts of the Sahara {Monod
1973}. I recently had occasion to examine this assumption carefully,
however, and was led inexorably to the conclusion that reptiles
represent a particularly successful desert group, not because of their
evolution of superior adaptations, but because of their possession of a
basic suite of behavioural and physiologi- cal characteristics that suit
them uniquely to this very resource-limited environment {Bradshaw
1986a}. These fundamental reptilian characteristics are: 1. their low
rates of metabolism, compared with birds and mammals, which result in
extremely low rates of resource utilisation and lead to considerable
economy in the handling of water 2.