Chapter 1: Introduction: Disaster Capitalism Comes to Higher
EducationPart I: Covid Trojan Horses Chapter 2: Laundering Coercion:
Restart Planning, "Pandemic Task Forces" and the Dismantling of Shared
GovernanceChapter 3: Flexing for the State: The Push for Hyflex
Modalities in State LegislaturesChapter 4: Staff Furloughs for Some,
Chiefs of Staff for Others (Expand Administration and Shrink the
Rest)Chapter 5: Bringing the F.U.D. to Union BustPart II: Covid Sleights
of Hand Chapter 6: For the Love of Remote Learning? Now We Love it, Now
We Don'tChapter 7: Aspiring Diploma Mills Don't Stop for
PandemicsChapter 8: Don't Look Now: Tuition Increases and Student
DebtPart III: Sacrificial Lambs Chapter 9: (Further) Stealing from Poor
Students: CARES Act ProfiteeringChapter 10: Student Life and Death: When
COVID Responses are Turned Over to Athletics and Student AffairsChapter
11: COVID Testing on Campus: Not Making the Science GradesPart V:
Anti-Corporatization Resistance Chapter 12: Students Demand
JusticeChapter 13: COVID, Campus Essential Workers, and the Movement for
Racial JusticeChapter 14: Faculty Fight for the Soul of Higher
EducationChapter 15: Recommendations and Call to Action