High-Performance CMOS Continuous-Time Filters is devoted to the design
of CMOS continuous-time filters. CMOS is employed because the most
complex integrated circuits have been realized with this technology for
two decades. The most important advantages and drawbacks of
continuous-time filters are clearly shown. The transfer function is one
of the most important filter parameters but several others (like
intermodulation distortion, power-supply rejection ratio, noise level
and dynamic range) are fundamental in the design of high-performance
systems. Special attention is paid to the practical aspects of the
design, which shows the difference between an academic design and an
industrial design. A clear understanding of the behavior of the circuits
and techniques is preferred over complex equations or interpretation of
simulated results. Step-by-step design procedures are very often used to
clarify the use of the techniques and topologies.
The organization of this text is hierarchical, starting with the design
consideration of the basic building blocks and ending with the design of
several high-performance continuous-time filters. Most of the circuits
have been fabricated, theoretically analyzed and simulated, and silicon
measurement results are compared with each other.
High-Performance CMOS Continuous-Time Filters can be used as a text
book for senior or graduate courses on this topic and can also be useful
for industrial engineers as a reference book.