Computer-aided synthesis of digital circuits from behavioral level
specifications offers an effective means to deal with increasing
complexity of digital hardware design. High Level Synthesis of ASICs
Under Timing and Synchronization Constraints addresses both
theoretical and practical aspects in the design of a high-level
synthesis system that transforms a behavioral level description of
hardware to a synchronous logic-level implementation consisting of logic
gates and registers.
High Level Synthesis of ASICs Under Timing and Synchronization
Constraints addresses specific issues in applying high-level synthesis
techniques to the design of ASICs. This complements previous results
achieved in synthesis of general-purpose and signal processors, where
data-path design is of utmost importance. In contrast, ASIC designs
are often characterized by complex control schemes, to support
communication and synchronization with the environment. The combined
design of efficient data-path control-unit is the major contribution of
this book.
Three requirements are important in modeling ASIC designs: concurrency,
external synchronization, and detailed timing constraints. The
objective of the research work presented here is to develop a hardware
model incorporating these requirements as well as synthesis algorithms
that operate on this hardware model.
The contributions of this book address both the theory and the
implementation of algorithm for hardware synthesis.