From October 15 to 19, 1995 a Workshop on Hetero-
structureEpitaxyandDeviceswasheldatSmoleniceCastlenear Slovakia'scapital
Bratislava. The intention ofthisWorkshop was
toestablishandstrengthentiesbetweenscientistsoftheformerly Socialist
East and Middle-European states with their colleagues
fromtheWesterncountries. WiththisaimtheWorkshopfoundthe
organizingthemeeting That the Workshop was also a scientific success is
evidenced by the present volume comprising a selection of the
contributed papers. We are confident that the reader of these
Proceedings can convincehimselfofthe highqualityofthe work whose results
are presented here. We hope that this and the
numerousdiscussionsbetweenthe participants ofthe Workshop will promote
cooperations among scientists from the countries
representedatthemeeting. It is a pleasure to express our gratitude to
NATO and, as representatives ofthe institutions involved in the
organization, to Lubomir Malacky (Institute of Electrical Engineering,
Slovak Academy of Sciences) and Hergo-Heinrich Wehmann (Institute for
Semiconductor Technology, Technical University Braun- schweig) whose
dedicated work was most essential for the Workshop. A. Schlachetzki J.
DepartmentofPhysics, Gakushuin University 1-5-1 Mejiro, Toshima-ku,
Tokyo 171, Japan AND T. IRISAWA ComputerCenter, Gakushuin University
1-5-1 Mejiro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, Japan 1. Introduction Since it was
reported [1] that the intensities of RHEED for the growing surface of
aGaAs crystal in the process of MBE oscillate with a period
correspondingto the completion of a monolayer, this phenomenon has been
applied to the thin layer growth of man-made superlattices.