The greatest achievements of M2M (Machine to Machine) interactions, M2H
(Machine to Human) interactions, H2M (Human to Machine) interactions and
Internet of Things Technology is the smart service and capability to
perform Computing with any Mobile device (PC connected to the internet,
Smartphone, Tablet, PDAs etc) in responding to Healthcare scenarios. The
technology development had gained momentum from the ability to combine,
configure and update the existing technology into a new one. In industry
4.0, several branches of digital technologies were brought together to
be combined for digital computing. The ICT idea emerged from the
convergence of digital computers and telecommunications technologies and
several other disruptive Innovations. The technological convergence of
several Smart and Intelligent systems were combined to achieve effective
Mobile Healthcare system monitoring. The Computing design posses the
capacity of improving Healthcare delivery in Africa, Nigeria and the
global world. Obviously, the emergence of Intelligent Utility Health
grid Ecosystem and Smart Wireless Sensors Network computing provided
unique opportunities in the next generation Healthcare delivery.