Health targets can help to improve the governance of health systems.
They express a commitment to achieve specified outputs over a defined
period, and allow progress towards broad goals and objectives to be
monitored. They may be quantitative or qualitative, and based on
outcomes or processes.
This book draws on a series of case studies on the use of health
targets, written by experts from Catalonia (Spain), England (United
Kingdom), Flanders (Belgium), France, Germany, Hungary and the Russian
Federation. It reviews the major technical, managerial and political
challenges of defining and implementing health targets. While they help
focus attention on agreed goals, to realize their potential they need to
be based on evidence, accepted by those who work to achieve them, be
embedded in frameworks of mutual accountability, linked to appropriate
incentives and/or sanctions and supported by an adequate intelligence
The experiences of these countries and regions can serve as examples to
all those in government who strive to improve the performance of their
health systems.