According to the American Cancer Society, more than one million people
get cancer in the United States each year. The diagnosis is often a
major physical, emotional, social, and spiritual blow, capable of
shaking patients to their core. This empathetic guide coauthored by
cancer survivor Dr. Alan Wolfelt helps individuals understand and cope
with the many difficult thoughts and feelings to which a cancer
diagnosis can give rise, assisting them as they find ways to experience
peace and joy throughout their journey. Among the 100 ideas for
surviving and thriving in this book are those that explain the basic
principles of grief and mourning and how they apply to a life-altering,
life-threatening, or terminal medical diagnosis. Others offer
instantaneous, in-the-moment suggestions of things that cancer patients
can do immediately in order to express their grief and live with meaning
in each moment. This book is a calming companion for people battling
cancer and their loved ones.