Mark O'Doherty


Healing the International Community - Upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and BuddhismPaperback, 24 March 2021

Healing the International Community - Upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism
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Print Length
202 pages
Date Published
24 Mar 2021


This book aims to uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the International Community; concerning essential human rights as stipulated in the UDHR - such as freedom of thought, conscience and religion; as well as freedom of speech and association. It should also be noted, that today more than ever we have to understand that humanity is much more important than just politics. The importance of belonging to humankind takes precedence over all the marks of distinction that may separate one person from another. The thing that matters most is not that we have any particular cultural or national identity, or that we abide by any particular religious or philosophical conviction, but that we share with all humanity the highest values of the human race: love, understanding and compassion. However, this is something difficult to master, because of cultural, national, religious and ideological barriers. This is why the education of human rights and emotional intelligence is so important in the International Community; to improve the learning and understanding of human rights, child rights, ethics and common decency. Also, a mind-set change is required concerning the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which in turn has been attributed to the simultaneous rise of Zionism and Arab nationalism - the two ethnic groups experiencing currently some challenges when it comes to co-existing peacefully with each other; mainly because the leaders in Israel-Palestine are traumatized and afraid of change, and lack the courage to implement peace and harmony in the land - such as Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas; as well as many other leaders of Likud and Hamas. It should also be noted, that more than 2.5 million Palestinians live under Israeli rule but cannot vote in national elections. This must change. All Palestinians in the land should be eligible to vote, and also be eligible to stand for election - as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is also important, that rule of law and judicial independence prevails in Israel-Palestine; and that everybody in the land is equal under the law. To manifest peace in the land, it is imperative that the Gaza blockade is finally lifted; and that all parties concerned start working towards a just and fair Middle East peace plan. And the solutions can only be found in a reasonable and realistic process of Peacebuilding - meaning through dialogue, mediation, compassion and cooperation.

Product Details

Mark O'Doherty
Book Format:
Country of Origin:
Date Published:
24 March 2021
29.69 x 21.01 x 1.09 cm
494.42 gm

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