In "Healing Into Life And Death," Stephen Levine deals directly with the
choice and application of treatment, offering original techniques for
working with pain and grief, and discusses the development of a merciful
awareness as a means of healing, as well as how to encourage others to
do the same.
"His work is magic." -- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.
"In recent years, Stephen and Ondrea Levine have shown us new
possibilities in working with the seriously ill. In this heartfelt new
book he broadens the domain of his inquiry and concern and fees us to
heal by inviting us courageously look at what is." -- Ram Dass.
"Stephen Levine's writings, work and presence have been a shining light
to me and thousands of others as he has pioneered new ways of looking at
life and the power that the healing of the mind and heart presents." --
Gerald Jampolsky, M.D., Founder and Consultant of the Center for
Attitudinal Healing, Tiburon, California.