This was the first book on London's ghosts, when Peter Underwood was
President of the Ghost Club. He is uniquely qualified to write Haunted
London, presenting a parade and gazetteer of the psychic phenomena of
Britain's capital city - a city with nearly ten million living
inhabitants and the ghosts of many dead ones. As well as all the famous
hauntings - the Cock Lane ghost, the Grey Man at Drury Lane, the Tower
ghosts, the haunted house at Berkeley Square etc. - the book contains
many new and hitherto unpublished findings. Not all ghosts date back to
earlier centuries: there are ghost motorcyclists, for instance, and new
buildings on the sites of older ones are as likely to have ghosts as
those which still stand. For easy reference, Haunted London has divided
up London geographically. Ghostly associations are uncovered in
churches, theatres, hotels, inns and scenes of murders. Poltergeist
infestation is another phenomenon included in this work which is sure to
fascinate anyone wanting to get to know London better - whether they be
visitors, psychic researchers, students of history, of legend or
folklore, or simply lovers of one of the world's finest cities.